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Urban Sketch volume 3


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Online Lecture: (click)

Artist Dong Ho Kim's Urban Sketch Collection Book Volume 3

Dong Ho Kim, an artist, shares his urban sketches while traveling around the world.
The majority of the pages were created while observing the beautiful scenery or witnessing the daily life of others.

A quote from Dong Ho Kim: 
Knowledge grows over time as a result of various activities.
As a result, the work quality improves, and more exciting ideas emerge.
There are many things I want to draw, as well as many techniques.
I hope that reading this book will inspire and motivate many people to explore and draw.
I stumbled upon vol. 3 and am already looking forward to the next books.


Dimension: 7.5" x 10.25" 

Pages: 184

Weight: 2 lb

ISSN: 2586-7466

Check out Dong Ho Kim's online lecture: (click)